Sky Comedy: Channel Identity


Design, concept development

My Sky Comedy channel identity concepts for graphic toolkits, idents, billboards and posters.

Concept 1


Concept 2

Concept 3

The channel features specifically American comedy. Within this we explored the differences between American and British culture. I started designing big, bold ‘Real America’ idents where the show names were placed in classic real world American contexts from funfairs to motels and trailer parks. We played with the obvious way of showing this in big flashing lights, or whether there was humour to be derived froma deadpan, understated approach - desolate Americana scenes and such.
Other concepts featured a ‘larger than life’ which strayed close to Real America but also literally took characters or features from series and set enlarged versions of them within a landscape (for example enourmous cutout of Ron Swanson in the desert), along with a more clinical approach ‘getting your daily dose’ of comedy and a blunt, functional ‘Real American. Real funny.’ approach in the style of old truck commercials.


The developed concepts and designs were internally presented, critiqued and distilled down to the raw neon elements and the in-situ signage concept. Below shows how the initial work has informed the finessed final product created by a much larger team at an external post house and 3D artists within Sky Creative.

Design & Development Credits

Project Lead: Mark Jones
Designer: Oliver Weinfeld
Creatives: David Fleetwood, Gareth Cash

Made at Sky Creative

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